Discover wellness by allowing yourself to “just be.”
Holistic Wellness Center
Welcome. Here at Mindful Wellness Center of Texas (MWC), our goal is to provide holistic therapy through a tranquil space that allows you to tap into your whole self. Our holistic healing and wellness center focuses on supporting your quest to nurture your body, relax your mind, and connect with Self.
Spiritual healing and wellness services designed to help you Relax, Recharge, and Rejuvenate.
Life is full enough of the hustle and bustle. The grind. The doing. At MWC, our holistic wellness center is about celebrating the “being,” more than the “doing.” We do this through normalizing non-medical therapies aimed at supporting you to be present. By being present you can tend to your whole Self, creating space to relax, recharge, and rejuvenate.
Float Therapy
Health & Wellness Coaching
Sound Healing